Sue's Background in the World of Dogs
I have been training dogs professionally for 40 years and to date have helped well over 15,000
owners to train their pets to be good companions.
I started Exning Dog Training Centre in 1986 and at the beginning of 2007 my dogs and I relocated to the
Lakenheath, Suffolk area.
I changed the school name to the K9magic Dog Training Centre.
It is great that I often see people returning with a new puppy.. after training with us many years ago...
a great compliment that they choose to return to K9magic!
In the early days I personally trained and handled virtually every breed of dog from a chihuahua to Gt
Danes and Wolfhounds, many dogs with 'problems', staying with me for rehab.
My training methods are and always have been kind, simple, reward based and highly effective.
I use exactly the same techniques regardless of whether I am training a
companion dog or a top competition dog. ALL of my training is reward-based and always has been.
I was a member of the Institute of Professional Dog Trainers from 1987 - 2009**
I still regularly attend courses in all aspects of dog training, and work my own dogs in competitions,
when time allows.
** I have always made the choice to work my dogs, train, instruct
and pass on knowledge learned by experience rather than the current fast-track fashion of internet qualifications or paying to join trade bodies in order to display the trade organisations letters after my name or on the website. There is no substitute for experience.
Over the past 40 years I and my dogs have competed with consistent and continuous success in
Working Trials, Obedience, Heelwork to Music and Canine
Freestyle. We have also on occasion tried our hand/paws at breed showing,
Agility and Gundog scurries with equal success. In the course of those 35years
I have owned, trained and worked 3 German Shepherds, 7 Border Collies and a
Foxhound x Jack Russell! To date we have won well over 3000 awards in hard fought working competitions.
Highlights have been
Being invited to the prestigious International Super dog of the Year 6 times with 3 different dogs.
Achieving 2 wins, 2 times runner-up, 3rd and 4th in the above elite competition
Qualifying Tracker Dog Excellent over 100 times with 3 different dogs
Winning 5 Tracking Championship Certificates and 8 Reserve Championship CC's Certificates
with 3 different dogs
Attending the Kennel Club W/T Championships 5 times
Invited to Tracker dog of the year with 2 dogs
Training 3 dogs up to dual championship level [Working Trials and Obedience]:
Working test C [highest level Obedience competitions] with 5 dogs/bitches -3 different breeds
Winning the annual Pedigree chum canine musical freestyle at Coventry with my
Working Trials Champion Giddy
Performing Musical Freestyle at Crufts in 2003 also with Giddy - the only Working Trial champion ever to have achieved this.
We have appeared on BBC, ITV, Radio Suffolk, Radio Cambridge.
I have also judged at all levels in Obedience, Heelwork to Music, Freesyle and most levels of Working Trials.
DOGS PAST ...........
SHIRES HOTDOG CDX [Muttley]. Foxhound x D. 1980-1983. Worked A&B Obedience. Winner in Obedience, Trials and Agility.
BOSSANOVA BEL SHOSHUANNA CDX UDX WDX [Bara] GSD. B 1982 -1994. Worked Champ C Obedience.Prolific winner in Obedience& Trials
FLEETWOOD MAC CDX UDX WDX TDX [Gabby] Working Sheepdog, D. 1984-2000. 1 CC, 3 RES.CC's [Working Trials], Worked Obedience Champ C, Superdog of the Year 1995, Runner-up 1993,1994.
SHOBARA SHINING EXAMPLE CDX UDX WDX,[Cougar]GSD D, 1986-1999. Obedience test B winner and worked Test C. winner in Working Trials &Obedience.
TRICK OF THE LIGHT, CDX UDX WDX TDX [Blitz] Working Sheepdog B. 1992-2006. 1.CC, 3 RES CC's [Working Trials]. Worked Obedience Test C. Superdog of the Year - placed twice 1997,1998.
The Great - WORKING TRIALS CHAMPION BINTIBN TRICK OF FATE CDX UDX WDX TDX [Giddy] Border Collie. Dog. 1996-2005 3 CC's, 2 reserve CC's.[Working Trials]. Worked Obedience Test C Only, Heelwork to Music - many wins - worked Intermediate. Superdog of the Year 2004.
Giddy is pictured Above.
TRICK OR TREAT. CDX UDX WD [op].NOV F/S EX [Gus] Border Collie. Born 2002 - 2018. Gus was Giddy's son and the image of his dad. He inherited his superb temperament and working ability. Due to personal circumstances Gus did very little in the way of competitions. However, he was very successful in everything attempted. He has won Working trials at Open and Championship levels and has been very successful in Heelwork to music and Canine Freestyle. At his first 2 shows he had 2 wins & 2 x 2nds qualifying up to Intermediate level in just one weekend!
Sadly Gus started going deaf at around the age of 5. By the time he was 10 he was stone deaf.
We continued to work together - and adapted to using the hand signals which he had fortunately learned along with verbal commands, when he was a puppy.
Gus appeared at Crufts a number of times demonstrating Heelwork to Music.
I lost Gus in the summer of 2018 at the grand age of 16. We miss him so much.
STARDELL ALYA CDX UDX WDX TDX, Test A Obedience Excellent. [Hattie] Born 2008- 2021 Hattie was trained for Working Trials, Obedience and Heelwork to Music/Freestyle and enjoyed everything! She was very successful in Working Trials qualifying with over 96% at every level. Placing 1st x 6, 2nd x2, 3rd x1. April 2013 Hattie qualified for the Championship Tracker dog Stake, due to commitments Hattie was only lightly trialed. However she qualified Tracker dog excellent a number of times with very high percentage marks and placed several times at Championship level. We occasionally entered Open Obedience competitions where she was consistently placed in Test A and Test B.
Sadly Hattie was diagnosed with Lymphoma in June 2020. The connection we had built through training and working together helped to keep Hattie going, and she lived a further unbelievable 16 months after diagnosis. She was a wonderful friend and I miss her very much.
TRICK OF THE TRADE. [Dessie]. Born 2006. Dessie is a stunning blue merle working sheepdog. He is pictured on the Behaviour Clinic page. He has not been an easy boy to train. He has never been entered in Open competitionS. Dessie has been trained for Obedience, Tracking, Working Trials, Agility as well as Heelwork to Music and Freestyle. He has successfully had a go at Dock jumping and water retrieve - gundog work , Rally Obedience and Flyball- he has even taken Best in show in the showring!
Dessie is now stone deaf and has severe arthritis, however still enjoying life.
New boy on the block. Our new 'gang member'. STARDELL HEKTOR CDX. UDX. [Riff] . Born end of December 2017. Showing promise for Trials, Obedience and Freestyle and now also Agility and Hoopers! Riff gained his Kennel Club Bronze and Silver Award at 5 months old. He gained his gold award at 12 months. Early 2020 Riff made his debut in Working Trials qualifying CD ex with 3rd place at his first trial. A month later qualifying UD open certificate of merit with 200 out of 200 winning the stake. Of course along has come COVID and everything is on hold for this dynamic little dog To keep occupied he has started Hoopers and has gained his Bronze and Silver Award. In the UK Tracking organisation he has taken and passed Basic and Novice tracking qualifications.
Now we are having a go at agility and learning a Heelwork to Music routine! Such a fun boy!
STOP PRESS. March 2022. Back into Working trials - Riff qualifies UDx again with first place!
2022 - Riffs competition career still on hold, due to our 16 year old dog Dessie's ongoing very poor health.
Dessie cannot travel or be left for more than a couple of hours.
email [email protected]
Tel 01842 861189
07836 624684
owners to train their pets to be good companions.
I started Exning Dog Training Centre in 1986 and at the beginning of 2007 my dogs and I relocated to the
Lakenheath, Suffolk area.
I changed the school name to the K9magic Dog Training Centre.
It is great that I often see people returning with a new puppy.. after training with us many years ago...
a great compliment that they choose to return to K9magic!
In the early days I personally trained and handled virtually every breed of dog from a chihuahua to Gt
Danes and Wolfhounds, many dogs with 'problems', staying with me for rehab.
My training methods are and always have been kind, simple, reward based and highly effective.
I use exactly the same techniques regardless of whether I am training a
companion dog or a top competition dog. ALL of my training is reward-based and always has been.
I was a member of the Institute of Professional Dog Trainers from 1987 - 2009**
I still regularly attend courses in all aspects of dog training, and work my own dogs in competitions,
when time allows.
** I have always made the choice to work my dogs, train, instruct
and pass on knowledge learned by experience rather than the current fast-track fashion of internet qualifications or paying to join trade bodies in order to display the trade organisations letters after my name or on the website. There is no substitute for experience.
Over the past 40 years I and my dogs have competed with consistent and continuous success in
Working Trials, Obedience, Heelwork to Music and Canine
Freestyle. We have also on occasion tried our hand/paws at breed showing,
Agility and Gundog scurries with equal success. In the course of those 35years
I have owned, trained and worked 3 German Shepherds, 7 Border Collies and a
Foxhound x Jack Russell! To date we have won well over 3000 awards in hard fought working competitions.
Highlights have been
Being invited to the prestigious International Super dog of the Year 6 times with 3 different dogs.
Achieving 2 wins, 2 times runner-up, 3rd and 4th in the above elite competition
Qualifying Tracker Dog Excellent over 100 times with 3 different dogs
Winning 5 Tracking Championship Certificates and 8 Reserve Championship CC's Certificates
with 3 different dogs
Attending the Kennel Club W/T Championships 5 times
Invited to Tracker dog of the year with 2 dogs
Training 3 dogs up to dual championship level [Working Trials and Obedience]:
Working test C [highest level Obedience competitions] with 5 dogs/bitches -3 different breeds
Winning the annual Pedigree chum canine musical freestyle at Coventry with my
Working Trials Champion Giddy
Performing Musical Freestyle at Crufts in 2003 also with Giddy - the only Working Trial champion ever to have achieved this.
We have appeared on BBC, ITV, Radio Suffolk, Radio Cambridge.
I have also judged at all levels in Obedience, Heelwork to Music, Freesyle and most levels of Working Trials.
DOGS PAST ...........
SHIRES HOTDOG CDX [Muttley]. Foxhound x D. 1980-1983. Worked A&B Obedience. Winner in Obedience, Trials and Agility.
BOSSANOVA BEL SHOSHUANNA CDX UDX WDX [Bara] GSD. B 1982 -1994. Worked Champ C Obedience.Prolific winner in Obedience& Trials
FLEETWOOD MAC CDX UDX WDX TDX [Gabby] Working Sheepdog, D. 1984-2000. 1 CC, 3 RES.CC's [Working Trials], Worked Obedience Champ C, Superdog of the Year 1995, Runner-up 1993,1994.
SHOBARA SHINING EXAMPLE CDX UDX WDX,[Cougar]GSD D, 1986-1999. Obedience test B winner and worked Test C. winner in Working Trials &Obedience.
TRICK OF THE LIGHT, CDX UDX WDX TDX [Blitz] Working Sheepdog B. 1992-2006. 1.CC, 3 RES CC's [Working Trials]. Worked Obedience Test C. Superdog of the Year - placed twice 1997,1998.
The Great - WORKING TRIALS CHAMPION BINTIBN TRICK OF FATE CDX UDX WDX TDX [Giddy] Border Collie. Dog. 1996-2005 3 CC's, 2 reserve CC's.[Working Trials]. Worked Obedience Test C Only, Heelwork to Music - many wins - worked Intermediate. Superdog of the Year 2004.
Giddy is pictured Above.
TRICK OR TREAT. CDX UDX WD [op].NOV F/S EX [Gus] Border Collie. Born 2002 - 2018. Gus was Giddy's son and the image of his dad. He inherited his superb temperament and working ability. Due to personal circumstances Gus did very little in the way of competitions. However, he was very successful in everything attempted. He has won Working trials at Open and Championship levels and has been very successful in Heelwork to music and Canine Freestyle. At his first 2 shows he had 2 wins & 2 x 2nds qualifying up to Intermediate level in just one weekend!
Sadly Gus started going deaf at around the age of 5. By the time he was 10 he was stone deaf.
We continued to work together - and adapted to using the hand signals which he had fortunately learned along with verbal commands, when he was a puppy.
Gus appeared at Crufts a number of times demonstrating Heelwork to Music.
I lost Gus in the summer of 2018 at the grand age of 16. We miss him so much.
STARDELL ALYA CDX UDX WDX TDX, Test A Obedience Excellent. [Hattie] Born 2008- 2021 Hattie was trained for Working Trials, Obedience and Heelwork to Music/Freestyle and enjoyed everything! She was very successful in Working Trials qualifying with over 96% at every level. Placing 1st x 6, 2nd x2, 3rd x1. April 2013 Hattie qualified for the Championship Tracker dog Stake, due to commitments Hattie was only lightly trialed. However she qualified Tracker dog excellent a number of times with very high percentage marks and placed several times at Championship level. We occasionally entered Open Obedience competitions where she was consistently placed in Test A and Test B.
Sadly Hattie was diagnosed with Lymphoma in June 2020. The connection we had built through training and working together helped to keep Hattie going, and she lived a further unbelievable 16 months after diagnosis. She was a wonderful friend and I miss her very much.
TRICK OF THE TRADE. [Dessie]. Born 2006. Dessie is a stunning blue merle working sheepdog. He is pictured on the Behaviour Clinic page. He has not been an easy boy to train. He has never been entered in Open competitionS. Dessie has been trained for Obedience, Tracking, Working Trials, Agility as well as Heelwork to Music and Freestyle. He has successfully had a go at Dock jumping and water retrieve - gundog work , Rally Obedience and Flyball- he has even taken Best in show in the showring!
Dessie is now stone deaf and has severe arthritis, however still enjoying life.
New boy on the block. Our new 'gang member'. STARDELL HEKTOR CDX. UDX. [Riff] . Born end of December 2017. Showing promise for Trials, Obedience and Freestyle and now also Agility and Hoopers! Riff gained his Kennel Club Bronze and Silver Award at 5 months old. He gained his gold award at 12 months. Early 2020 Riff made his debut in Working Trials qualifying CD ex with 3rd place at his first trial. A month later qualifying UD open certificate of merit with 200 out of 200 winning the stake. Of course along has come COVID and everything is on hold for this dynamic little dog To keep occupied he has started Hoopers and has gained his Bronze and Silver Award. In the UK Tracking organisation he has taken and passed Basic and Novice tracking qualifications.
Now we are having a go at agility and learning a Heelwork to Music routine! Such a fun boy!
STOP PRESS. March 2022. Back into Working trials - Riff qualifies UDx again with first place!
2022 - Riffs competition career still on hold, due to our 16 year old dog Dessie's ongoing very poor health.
Dessie cannot travel or be left for more than a couple of hours.
email [email protected]
Tel 01842 861189
07836 624684